The most common confusion is between the professions of document technician and file clerk. Are we talking about the same profession or different ones?

Blog about archivists and clerks
The most common confusion is between the professions of document technician and file clerk. Are we talking about the same profession or different ones?
Clerk specializations can vary depending on the type of organization and field of work. Some of the common specializations in this profession include
No large modern company does not do without an employee who deals with document management.
An archivist’s career ladder can vary depending on the organization they work for and the specific work environment.
Appraisal archivists: these archivists evaluate collections to determine their historical and research value.
Professional training for archival work usually occurs at the graduate level. In the past, most archivists learned on the job, but the more knowledge gained at university, the better for the aspiring archivist.
An archivist is a person whose profession involves acquiring, preserving, and making available for research authentic primary historical materials.